About Us.


Youth Integrated Development Organization (YIDO) is a Ugandan-based, youth-led, Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) with 16 years of organizational experience having started in the year 2005. For the last 12 years, YIDO has implemented solid-partnership led projects – improving, directly, the livelihoods of over 51,495 beneficiaries – including Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC), youths and women. This is has been through initiating and providing micro-finance and credit support services, crime prevention in schools and communities through formation of schools against crime clubs and community policing, vocational and business skills training, capacity building in business development services and related mentorship, prevention of Gender-based violence, mobilization and referrals into HIV care, HIV testing and counselling outreaches, and advocacy on economic inclusion.

YIDO is managed under a robust, well-structured governance model that ensures transparency and accountability of its resources and funds from donors and well-wishers. The organization is headed by the Board of Directors (BOD) – which is the overall decision-making authority – responsible for providing clear, strategic direction and sound management for the success of the organization. The BOD is assisted by the Executive Director who supervises the day-to-day operations of the organization, assisted by a qualified, senior management team.  The executive director is also assisted by 9 qualified technical staff with different areas of expertise in entrepreneurship programs, social work, community psychology, finance management , accounting , procurement specialists, and Information Technology/

YIDO has well streamlined and strong financial policies and procedures that underpin her financial management transactions. YIDO has active bank accounts, with at least 2 signatories per account, where funds are kept. Each account has a separate cashbook and bank reconciliations with corresponding payment receipts and vouchers which are done every month by the YIDO Finance Officer and approved by the executive director. Our donors continue to have unlimited access to any information regarding our finances. We also conduct annual institutional and project-based audits, which are made available to the public. Quarterly and annual financial reports are produced both for internal use and upon request of our funders. YIDO has developed an excel-based Grants Management, Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting (GMER) system which provides a holistic approach in availing the necessary information and data for guiding the strategic planning, designing and implementation of programs from Initiation to closure with a clear eye on sustainability.

In terms of program approach, the YIDO approach is a multistage and a holistic process that starts with needs identification and assessment, working closely with key and potential beneficiaries, local government offices and village chairpersons. This is followed by patriotization of needs and consensus-building. Our programming is guided by a robust monitoring and evaluation framework which spells out key objectives, activities, key performance indicators (process and outcome), targets, means of verification. These activities are only expected to contribute to the overall impact as there are other actors in the field handling different components. Our implementation tracking process involves field and support supervision visits, data collection and quality assurance, and most importantly quarterly performance review workshops where the progress of the project is tracked. On every project, YIDO with guidance of the sponsors, conducts end of project evaluations surveys aimed at ascertaining the effectiveness, sustainability, and efficiency, as well as scalability of the project. On every project a set of periodic reports including quarterly, bi- annual and end of project reports (Both Financial and narrative) are shared with the donor and all relevant stake holders. These in most cases additionally include documented success stories et al. In terms of micro-finance support YIDO as a grassroots organization, has initiated and build capacity of over 250 youth at parish-level youth and women-led savings and loan association groups. YIDO is now supporting over 300 schools across the country with the Schools against Crime program. We are also in active partnership and subsisting memoranda with both state and non-state actors which allows us to provide all-around robust business development services including skills enhancement, mentorship, business development services, microfinance, business start-up kits, and accreditation. Some of the partners with-whom we have Memorandums of Understanding (MOUs). Currently, partners whom we have MOU include; Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development (MGLSD), Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives (MTIC), Kampala City Council Authority (KCCA), Wakiso District Local Government, Mukono District Local Government, Private Sector Foundation Uganda (PSFU), Directorate of Industrial Training (DIT) under the ministry of education and sports, Uganda Microfinance Support Centre, KYDEVA SACCO, and Uganda Police Force

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